Choose Logangate for Beauty, Quality, Experience & a Low Environmental Impact
If you are considering a building a home that really tells a story of who you are, you’ve come to the right place. Anyone can build a home, however Logangate can build it better than anyone else. We offer many types of homes including Pedestal and Contemporary Homes. Logangate homes are all constructed with the very best materials. We only use materials that we carefully select and are not only extremely high quality but kind to the environment as well. We will build you a gorgeous dream home at an affordable price and with a special emphasis on the environment. This is true for all of our homes that we build. From Pedestal Homes to Cabin Kit Homes, building a Logangate Timber Home is a choice that reveals your sense of style and the importance that you place on the environment as well.
Logangate Timber Homes use incredibly strong and gorgeous Douglas Fir Timbers which are pre-cut and sanded and are very rare east of Mississippi. We make special efforts to use these timbers because of their strength and because of how incredibly beautiful they are. Douglas Fir Timbers make an incredible difference when you are sitting at home and your eye is drawn upward to your ceiling. They are simply an incredible sight and they are one aspect that makes a home a Logangate Home.
Logangate Timber Homes has been in business for well over 50 years. We strive to provide our low environmental impact homes at an affordable price. Our design process includes full auto CAD blueprints which allow you to customize size and floor plans. R-value options for your roof include R-33, R-40, and R-48.
Many building companies come and go. You can rest assured that whether you love our Contemporary Homes or our Pedestal Homes, you will get a beautiful, durable home that will last a lifetime. We can walk you through all the options and assist you every step of the way. With Logangate you’ll never want to leave your home again. That is the Logangate difference!