Building an Energy Efficient Cabin has Been Made Easy
Building an Energy-Efficient Cabin has Been Made Easy
Building an energy-efficient cabin has never been more popular than they are now! Everyone is looking for a rustic but modern look with an emphasis on energy cost savings. At Logangate Timber Homes, we are dedicated to building an affordable cabin for our customers and can help build your dream cabin faster than traditional stick-built methods. There’s a reason why timber frame homes have existed for centuries, homebuyers love the durability, design flexibility, and insulation properties that timber frame homes provide. Coupled with modern building practices, energy-efficient timber frame home plans are becoming more popular than ever. Let’s take a look at what goes into our energy-efficient timber frame home plans and why energy efficiency is a hot topic.
Early Steps in Building an Energy Efficient Cabin
At Logangate, our process begins with sourcing energy-efficient building materials from reliable partners. These materials not only include Douglas Fir rafters but also high-quality insulation and modern passive window systems. Our energy-efficient timber frame home plans are prefabricated. We begin building a home inside of a climate-controlled manufacturing facility. Utilizing this method allows our builders to eliminate waste while also protecting your energy-efficient building materials from harsh elements before they are weatherproofed.
Pre-manufacturing of panels also allows for a precision fit and tight air-sealed walls; this will reduce the number of drafts in your home, ultimately saving more on future energy costs.
Logangate Cabin Plans Include:
- Douglas fir timbers & Tongue & Groove: These are some of the strongest and most durable timbers in the industry, so you can feel confident your cabin will last for a long time.
- Energy Efficient: Since parts of your home are built in our facility, you get air-tight seals to help reduce energy bills. Insulated roof panel system with R-values from R-33 to R-40. Passive Solar design to maximize natural efficiencies.
- Quality: Our manufacturing facility allows us to make your home more factory-controlled. This reduces defects and drafts in your home. Saving you energy dollars.
- Green: Our manufacturing facility is dedicated to using renewable sources of energy and we strive toward zero waste.
- Large Selection: We have a variety of cabin & chalet plans available that can be customized to fit your needs.
Energy Efficient Timber Frame Home Plans
When our customers decide on having our professionals build a cabin home, we collaborate with the homebuyer in choosing their floor plans. The floor plans can vary depending on the individual preferences of the homebuyer and can be limited depending on the job site. Building on sloping, difficult terrain can be extremely expensive. Traditional concrete foundations can be extremely expensive. For building an affordable cabin on sloping terrain, it is recommended to choose a cantilever design or a pedestal home with a smaller concrete slab, this will save the homebuyer on foundation costs and offers less disturbance in the surrounding area.
Building an energy-efficient cabin is more than just saving on the front end of the cost, it is also using high-quality materials that have inherent insulation qualities.
Why Energy Efficient Building Materials Matter
The numbers may be shocking but they certainly do not lie. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), more than 90% of the 116 million homes in the United States are expected to have higher heating bills this winter compared with last winter, mainly because of higher projected prices for residential natural gas, propane, and electricity. For 2021, the EIA reports that households spent 54% more than the previous year to heat their home in the winter. This is a profound rise in energy costs, which is why many American homebuyers are scrambling to find ways to cut down costs.
One of the ways to lower energy costs is through using Energy Star appliances and Energy Star-rated products and electronics. Energy Star labels are awarded to any energy-consuming products that are designed to protect the environment and also save consumers money. These labels follow strict guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the US Department of Energy. Using Energy Star products can lower energy costs by anywhere from ten to sixty percent in energy costs compared to non-Energy Star labeled products. While using Energy Star products is a great way to save, mechanical products have a lifespan. Refrigerators, dishwashers, washers and dryers, and even microwave ovens all have a lifespan. If these appliances don’t break, the overall efficiency of it will eventually deteriorate and the initial savings will eventually dry up.
For this reason, a more permanent solution to energy savings is the building itself. Logangate Timber Homes is committed to green building practices, we utilize sustainable manufacturing, conserve electricity, use renewable energy, and strive toward zero waste.
We offer pedestal homes, timber homes, and cabin kits as you create your dream home at an affordable price.
Building an Energy-Efficient Cabin is an Investment
With the price of energy continuing to go up, homeowners are after every possible way to keep their energy bills in check. Energy-efficient appliances are a great start but the biggest way to save energy is with a home that is built for efficiency. At Logangate Timber Homes, every home that we build is an energy-efficient home that will last for generations, compounding the savings in energy cost over time. The EIA estimates that an energy-efficient home can save up to 25% on utility bills annually. While this rate can fluctuate depending on what measures are taken to save on energy, homebuyers who buy Logangate Timber Homes can rest assured that their home is built with energy savings in mind.
At Logangate Timber Homes, we use practices that include creating structures and using processes that are responsible and as efficient as they come. We practice sustainable manufacturing in our facility, conserving electricity, striving towards zero waste, and using renewable energy. For more information, contact us at Logangate and start building your dream home today!